Timezone not considered in kwhd


I have set my timezone correctly in the "account" page: UTC +2

However, the kwhd only reset at 2 am here, see pics attached.

The other graphs, were not affected by the timezone change, this means, before I had timezone default UTC + 0 and the graphs were showing the correct time, after I switch to UTC + 2, the graphs were still correct.

Am I missing any further setting?

Its 6:50am right now here. (just saying to make sense on the captures I just did)

Thanks for your help everyone.





ukmoose's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd

You don't say if you are running your own instance of emoncms or are using emoncms.org.

If you are using your own version, but NOT using the timestore data storage it is a known bug, that is discussed here


and here


The good news is that it is fixed with timestore data storage, which i the next version of emoncms will be in php so easier to install.


If you are using emoncms.org.  Please can you confirm.

Sergegsx's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd

sorry I forgot to say i am using emoncms.org

Anything I can do in my side?

Thanks !!

Sergegsx's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd

sorry to bring this up again, hope someone knows what can I do.

Its 00:15 @ 03 March 2014 and the daily usage has not detected the new day, however the normal chart does show the correct time in the x axis.

any idea?





Thank you very much for any help.

seanwg's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd


I'm having the exact same problem as above. I'm using the hosted version - I've re-recreated my feeds tried everything. I havn't poked around in the code, but seems like the feed creation isn't aware of the timezone..





Sergegsx's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd

I found something quite interesting, at 00:04 on the 9/3/14 the graph seems to show the correct information, however the bar graph showing the totals has not yet created the new day (9/3)


seanwg's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd

Poking around in the code - I havn't ever really looked at it allot -

Seems like the timestoredaily view, its using the servers timezone offset, not the profiles timezone offset when displaying?






function draw()
    data = [];
    var d = new Date()
    var n = d.getTimezoneOffset();  <---------------------
    var offset = n / -60;
    var datastart = (Math.round((view.start/1000.0)/interval) * interval)+3600*offset;
    data = feed.get_timestore_average(feedid,datastart*1000,view.end+(interval*1000),interval);


Sergegsx's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd

Hi Sean, that seems to be exactly whats happening.

Maybe one developer can have a look at it and find a solution, I find it really strange nobody raised this issue before and got it fixed. Looks like something quite important in my opinion.

thanks Sean.

Schism's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd

I need to get involved with the timezone stuff to make my hour-of-day process filter work sensibly. Perhaps I can investigate this too.

Either way, I recommend you create an issue on github for this (especially since you've identified part of the code) and it may be picked up a lot faster.


José's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd


I have the same problem, I am following up from yesterday (18:15), and the bar graph of daily energy continues to accumulate energy, however bargraph appears in a span of 10:00 to 04 : 00: I have assumed that in the time interval from 04:00 to 10:00 in the bar still measuring the same day but does not appear to bars do not overlap, however after 10:00, continues to measure energy bar, corresponding to yesterday.

Sergegsx's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd

Seems like there is a fix in github, any chances on applying it to emoncms.org? its really a shame not being able to get such a useful information as daily usage. 

Thank you very much

rob1001's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd

This is the problem I'm having also.  Daily kw hours rolling over at 10am.  I thought it may of been when I first had the pi logging to emoncms.org it had the default UTC+0 time. Will be good have this fixed.

TrystanLea's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd

This should be very close to being fixed or fixed in the new myelectric bar graph interface if you generate the bar graph from a watt hour or kwh elapsed feed or from a phpfiwa power feed. I havent tested it yet but the new approach using accumulating watt hour feeds is partly designed to solve this problem as you can pick out the start of each day at any point, there's more on this here http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/node/3995

DS84's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd

Hi All, this is my first post on this very informative forum and I take my hat off to all the guys that have developed the Emon suite of products! I have set up the PV monitoring kit using the EmonTX V3 and Rasperry Pi using the rock solid gateway forwarder and it is working an absolute treat.

However I am also having issues with my kwh/d feeds not resetting at midnight local time using emoncms.org. I'm located in Australia with the timezone set to UTC +10 in my account settings and the feeds are not resetting until 9am which equates to 12am in the UK. 

Is there something I'm doing incorrectly or is there still a bug in the emoncms.org server?  


Grimshad's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd

I'm having the problem described above on my own server located in PST and I am located in EST. It's been a year and this is still not fixed?

humble's picture

Re: Timezone not considered in kwhd

Yes I'm also having this problem. Using emoncms.org with profile set at UTC -7 gives me a daily rollover at 17:00 local time. Mildly irritating.

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