Feeding Met Office Datapoint data into emoncms

I've been using an emonTH to log temp and humidity into web based emoncms for several months, and have found that I can get the nearest Met Office weather station data for the last 24 hours in json format from here http://datapoint.metoffice.gov.uk/public/data/val/wxobs/all/json/3330?res=hourly&key=<my key>. Has anyone managed to POST this data to emoncms? I know I could buy the external emonTH bits and pieces, but for the time being I just want to log hourly weather station readings. I understand a bit of html, and have found basic javascript tutorials, and have read about json format and parseJSON, but don't understand how all the different elements hang together. I'm a Unix/C software engineer, but I'm struggling to work out how to use all this new-fangled stuff!

Paul Reed's picture

Re: Feeding Met Office Datapoint data into emoncms

What are you using to post the data to emoncms.org?  Raspberry Pi, PC, Nanode, etc.
If you have the hardware to run a php script, try this - changing the script to parse the Met Office API instead of Weather Underground.
There are lots of other ways too, but without knowing your setup, it's hard to advise.

I'm doing something very similar, and using node-red to parse the data and post it to emoncms.


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