How to reset local emoncms to initial state?

I have been playing around with a local emoncms v8.5.2 (NOT extended version) on my Raspberry Pi and 2 emonTX for a few days. I would now like to reset emoncms to a clean "just installed" state. What steps do I need to follow to do that? Delete the files in phpfiwa, phpfina & phptimeseries? Do I drop all the tables in MySQL too? Anything else?

Another trivial question, I can stop, start & restart emonhub using "service emonhub <op>", how do you stop, start or restart emoncms? Does that question even make sense as I guess it's only doing stuff when being fed data or being queries by a browser?



pb66's picture

Re: How to reset local emoncms to initial state?

You can stop emonhub and redis if you have it installed, emoncms doesn't really need "stopping" as such unless you are using a low-write version (feedwriter), you could stop apache2 to be sure (and in control) it would be wise to restart it any way so you may as well stop it and start again after.

Emptying the feed folders, dropping all the tables (but not the emonmcs database) should clean out all the data, dashboards, viz etc you shoould also run sudo redis-cli FLUSHALL just to be sure there is no data retained "in the pipework".

You can reuse the database user and password settings if you retained the emoncms db so when you restart redis & apache2 emoncms should recreate the tables and accept a first user registration as it did when first installed.


BraileTrail's picture

Re: How to reset local emoncms to initial state?

Hi Paul,

Thanks very much for the help, it's always appreciated. This was the bit I was missing:

sudo redis-cli FLUSHALL

Everything back and working cleanly now.

Thanks again,


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