Heat pump calculators

Open source tools to help with heat pump design and understanding.

Super Simple Heat Loss

Explore the difference between custom measured assumptions and those typically used from the CIBSE domestic heating design guide.

Weather Compensation

Calculate optimum weather compensation settings for a heat pump

Heat Pump System Performance Calculator

Calculate heat pump SCOP based on design flow temperature

Radiator Schedule

Calculate radiator heat output

Dynamic heat pump simulator

Explore continuous vs intermittent heating, temperature set-backs and schedules

Explore Solar Matching

Explore how much home electric + heat pump demand can be met by solar and a battery

Plate heat exchanger, fixed flow temperature

Calculate heat output and COP for a system with a counterflow plate heat exchanger between the heat pump and the radiator system. Fixed flow temperature version.

Plate heat exchanger, fixed heat transfer

Calculate heat output and COP for a system with a counterflow plate heat exchanger between the heat pump and the radiator system. Improved fixed heat output version.

Low loss header

Calculate heat output and COP for a system with a low loss header between the heat pump and the radiator system

Volume Simulator

Explore system volume, starts per hour and cycling

Volume simulator with heat pump COP

Explore heat pump minimum modulation and cycling's effect of COP

Pipe pressure loss calculator

Calculates pressure loss using the Darcy Weisbach equation with the friction factor derived using the Newton-Raphson method to solve the Colebrook-White equation.

MIS031: Heat Pump System Performance Estimate

Building indoor CO2 simulator

Explore effect of building occupancy & air change rate on indoor CO2 concentrations.

Storage simulator

Explore how much home electric + heat pump demand can be met by different mixes of wind, solar, nuclear, battery storage, long duration energy storage or other final backup supply.

UK Grid Simulator

Can you match supply and demand on the UK grid?

Other tools

The following are developed by OpenEnergyMonitor but are not integrated into this site:


An open source room by room heat loss calculator based on BS EN 12831:2003. Includes automated internal heat balance & room temperature solver. Save and open projects to your computer locally.
Source code available on github here.


An open source javascript implementation of the SAP 2012 monthly building energy model. This tool builds on previous work on a similar tool called MyHomeEnergyPlanner, which started as a collaboration between OpenEnergyMonitor and CarbonCoop, both share the same core SAP model OpenBEM. This tool is just a new user interface that focuses on input flexibility as well as pairing things right down to the basics.
Source code available on github here.

ZeroCarbonBritain energy model

An open-source javascript implementation of the 10-year hourly cross sectoral UK energy model behind the ZeroCarbonBritain scenario. This model can be used to explore a wide variety of scenarios. Try creating your own scenario that gets to zero carbon!