Do I need enomcms?

I already have a Pi doing some server room environmental monitoring, I'm happy with the software I have on there. I am interested in an RFM12Pi / emonTx V2 and some CT sensors. Question is, can I run and interface with the RFM12Pi without installing enomcms. Although it looks pretty amazing, I don't want to install extra software / web server etc on my Pi if I don't need to. 

Ideally I'd like to install some bare minimum libraries so I can access the readings without the full blown enomcms installed.

Is this possible?

jb79's picture

Re: Do I need enomcms?

Everything is possible, but maybe you have to do a lot of things by your own.

I would suggest to read the section "RFM12BPi Setup" there: and only install the things you need. Maybe minicom would also be useful so see if the measurements reach your raspberry.


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