Controll my Heating System with Open Energiy Monitor?

I want to select the states of my heating control on the dashboard.
What are the options the bus of my heating (Viessmann) to connect? Here other hardware is supported ... What better way to realize this. I'm Still pretty clueless in the subject.

But you can even incorporate slowly.

Would it also be possible to modify various states after a query and it also re-send to the heater control back? Chill values ​​... ect.?

Thanks for the info, Sorry for my bad English


jack_kelly's picture

Re: Controll my Heating System with Open Energiy Monitor?

I too would love better control over my home heating system

Robert Hekkers has done some work on trying to control his home's heating system:

nbown's picture

Re: Controll my Heating System with Open Energiy Monitor?

me too, out with the family the other day and had a change plan meaning we were not going to be home all day, heating was left on. wasting gas and ele.

It would be nice to send a feed back to the emonbase to turn the heating off. or even the temp set point down.

i thinking tapping into the thermostat circuit is the best place to start, just by using a relay, i think if you can time back the EmonGLCD from  Emoncms there must be away to send something back.


jack_kelly's picture

Re: Controll my Heating System with Open Energiy Monitor?

There's also a new open-source heating control project: OpenTRV (it's in the very, very earliest stages at present!)

michel's picture

Re: Controll my Heating System with Open Energiy Monitor?

Very interesting question and comments. I do have a question about heat control when it comes to computer servers. Does anyone know how to cool the heat down in a smaller room that has about 5 servers, air conditioning works to an extent but I need a heavy duty machine.?
devis installateur chauffage

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