Multigraph in V9.0 problems - SORTED


I'm trying to build a new system to replace my old pi. So I have been following the installation guide. The system is a Pi2 with a new rfm69 wireless module. So a completely new system, not an upgrade of an old system. I haven't added any apps. So a basic installation.

The system is up and running with data being stored on a local instance on the pi as well as on the server. 

I'm now trying to build the multigraphs I used to use.

I'm on Win10 and normally use Chrome. I can set up a new multigraph, select colours for each line etc. and save the graph. However whatever I do, I don't get any graphs on the screen, not in the visualisations function or in a dashboard. This is also what I see if I try to do this on 

I had read in one of the other posts that flushing the cache might help. So I decided to fire up Explorer as the cache will be empty there.

Still no lines on the graph and also the colour selection shows '#' not a line of colour as it does in Chrome and clicking on the box doesn't do anything. So there must be something wrong there.

Also when I select right instead of left for a feed there is no change in the save button, i.e. it doesn't think anything has changed. I think this is the case with other aspects. You can make a change but the system doesn't seem to think a change has been made. Unfortunately I can't test this on an old system as I've taken that one down (needed the powered usb hub).

Any help with this greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


joyrider3774's picture

Re: Multigraph in V9.0 problems - SORTED

this is just a guess but have you tried the latest github version of V9 ? i noticed in the commits that 5 days ago there was a change in multigraph code. more specifically here :

try this move  \Modules\vis\visualisations\multigraph\multigraph.js one folder up so it becomes \Modules\vis\visualisations\multigraph.js and see if it fixes your problem or otherwise edit the multigraph.php files to add the folder again.

my guess is the current version is looking in the wrong folder for the js file

cab123's picture

Re: Multigraph in V9.0 problems - SORTED


You still need this change to view the graph during edit mode.



Bramco's picture

Re: Multigraph in V9.0 problems - SORTED

joyrider, cab123, thanks for your input.

Just checked and my emoncms install is up to date using 
cd /var/www/emoncms && git pull

Are you saying I need to do some extra git things as per your replies? And if so why? Shouldn't these be in the install?

Also not being in anyway git competent, how do I use the http urls you gave me?



PS - I think multigraph must be in the right place otherwise it wouldn't run. Has anyone seen the other issues I mentioned above?

cab123's picture

Re: Multigraph in V9.0 problems - SORTED

The url's provided are the latest changes in code.

for some reason the latest code is not updated with git ( i am new to this also).

You will have to edit the files manually and change the lines with the correct paths. Notice that apache2 server on my raspbian PI installed the web pages at /var/www/html instead of  /var/www. If your case is the same you will need to do the git thing on the correct level - "cd /var/www/html/emoncms && git pull"



joyrider3774's picture

Re: Multigraph in V9.0 problems - SORTED

i don't think you guys did anything wrong with git / github, the problem only happens when you happen to have the latest github changes.  the change i linked to edited the php file to reflect a path change to multigraph.js however the actual path change never happend on github so either the change is incorrect or someone forgot to commit the move of the js file. At least i think that's the problem but not sure if you copy the file to both places it should work if that is / was the problem. There's a comment on that commit from someone having the same problems and he also had to move the file one fodler up

TrystanLea's picture

Re: Multigraph in V9.0 problems - SORTED

Hello, Im a little bit confused as to what went wrong there, perhaps I got mixed up with my local version of emoncms v9 when I was testing last week, I thought the paths where incorrect and so made that change, but now I see they where fine.

I have changed them back, sorry about that.

cab123's picture

Re: Multigraph in V9.0 problems - SORTED

lol i understood everything backwords, i thought the latest changes were fixing the issue. I did the right thing with the wrong thinking... i suppose sometimes fixes things too... :-)

Paul Reed's picture

Re: Multigraph in V9.0 problems - SORTED

Bramco, if you update your emoncms now - Multigraphs are back working!


Bramco's picture

Re: Multigraph in V9.0 problems - SORTED

Thanks guys,

Finally working as expected!!


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