Detail for my sketch, Mk2_multiLoad_wired_7a.ino * * This sketch is for diverting suplus PV power using multiple hard-wired loads. * An external switch allows either load 0 or Load 1 to have the highest * priority. Any number of loads can be supported by the logic, a dedicated * IO pin being required for each one. * * This sketch is intended for use with my PCB-based hardware for the Mk2 PV Router. * The selector switch, as mentioned above, connects to the "mode" port which has been * re-assigned for priority selection. "Normal" mode can be achieved by setting the * anti-flicker offset prameter to zero at compile-time. * * The integral voltage sensor is fed from one of the secondary coils of the transformer. * Current is measured via Current Transformers at the CT1 and CT1 ports. * CT1 is for 'grid' current, to be measured at the grid supply point. * CT2 is for the 'diverted' current, so that energy which is diverted via the primary * dump-load can be recorded and displayed locally. * * A persistence-based 4-digit display is supported. To free up the necessary IO pins * for driving multiple loads, the pin-saving hardware needs to be in place. * These extra logic chips (ICs 3 and 4) reduce the number of IO pins * that are needed to drive the display. The freed-up pins are available at the * J1-5 connector. The uppermost position has been assigned to drive Load 1, * the next one down is for Load 2, and the lowest one is for Load 5. The control signal * for Load 0 is available at the "trigger" connector. * * With the green (rev 2.1) version of my PCB, each of the additional outputs has an * associated ground pin. It is therefore more sensible for those outputs to be active-high * rather than active-low. With a 5V regulator rather than the normal 3.3V one, these * outputs are able to drive an SSR directly. * * September 2014: renamed as Mk2_multiLoad_CAT5_3, with these changes: * - reimplementation of cycleCount, as it could have overflowed with unpredictable results; * - the functions increaseLoadIfPossible() and decreaseLoadIfPossible() have been tidied; * - energyThreshold_long has been renamed as midPointOfEnergyBucket_long. * * December 2014: renamed as Mk2_multiLoad_CAT5_4, with these changes: * - persistence check added for zero-crossing detection (polarityConfirmed); * - lowestNoOfSampleSetsPerMainsCycle added, to check for any disturbances; * - the logic for each of the 5 additional loads has been inverted by use of the '!' character. * these outputs are now active-high rather than active-low * * November 2015: renamed as Mk2_multiLoad_wired_5, with these changes: * - the original twin-threshold algorithm for energy state management has been reinstated; * - improved mechanism for controlling multiple loads (faster and more accurate); * - the phaseCal mechanism has been reinstated; * - SWEETZONE_IN_JOULES has been replaced by WORKING_RANGE_IN_JOULES. * * January 2015: renamed as Mk2_multiLoad_wired_5a, with this change: * - minor bug-fix in allGeneralProcessing() which affects how the energy thresholds are adjusted immediately * after a change of load-state has tqaken place. * * January 2015: renamed as Mk2_multiLoad_wired_6, with this change: * - reinstatement of min & max limits for the energy bucket's level. This section was lost during the * conversion from version 4 to version 5. The absence of this section prevents diversion from starting * in the correct manner. Versions 5 and 5a should therefore not be used. Version 6 is believed to be * a correct implementation of the improved mechanism for controlling multiple loads. * * January 2016: renamed as Mk2_multiLoad_wired_6a, with a minor change in the ISR to * remove a timing uncertainty. * * January 2016: updated to Mk2_multiLoad_wired_6b: * The variables to store the ADC results are now declared as "volatile" to remove * any possibility of incorrect operation due to optimisation by the compiler. * * February 2016: updated to Mk2_multiLoad_wired_7, with these changes: * - improvements to the start-up logic. The start of normal operation is now * synchronised with the start of a new mains cycle. * - reduce the amount of feedback in the Low Pass Filter for removing the DC content * from the Vsample stream. This resolves an anomaly which has been present since * the start of this project. Although the amount of feedback has previously been * excessive, this anomaly has had minimal effect on the system's overall behaviour. * - tidying of the "confirmPolarity" logic to make its behaviour more clear * * February 2020: updated to Mk2_multiLoad_wired_7a with these changes: * - removal of some redundant code in the logic for determining the next load state. * * * Robin Emley * */