Detail for my Mk2_multiLoad_CAT5_4.ino sketch This is an upgraded version of the original Mk2 sketch for use with my PCB-based hardware. It still supports two current sensors, CT1 and CT2. CT1 is for monitoring the flow of energy at the supply point; CT2 is available for monitoring the flow of current to the primary dump-load. With this version, multiple dump-loads are supported, each being controlled by its own dedicated IO pin. To generate sufficient spare IO pins for this purpose, the RF facility has been removed from this code. By using the pin-saving hardware option, the 4-digit display is still available for use. The primary load (Load 0) is still controlled from the "trigger" port. The five IO drivers that have been freed up by not using the RF module have been re-allocated to control five additional loads. These signals can be accessed at the left-hand side of the J1-5 connector on the PCB. The uppermost pin is for Load 1; the lowermost one is for Load 6. For versions 1 to 3, all loads are driven using active-low logic. For version 4, the additional loads (Nos 1 - 5) use active-high logic. When using the green PCB, these points can all be accessed alongside a 0V pin (with 0.2" spacing). Changes for version _3: - The 'long' variable, cycleCount, which counted mains cycles since start-up, has been removed. This variable would have eventually overflowed which could have caused unpredictable effects. The related functionality has been re-implemented using individual 'int' counters. Changes for version _4: - a persistence check for the zero-crossing detection has been added. This is to remove any false detections of zero-crossings. This effect is seen more with some types of transformer than others. - a mechanism has been added to monitor and display the minimum number of sample sets that occur each mains cycle. With a 125us timebase, and three ADC samples per set, the expected number of sample sets per 20ms mains cycle is 20 / (3 * 0.125) = 53.33. Any value less than 53 would indicate a loss of data. - The 5 additional loads are now driven active-high rather than active-low.