Check to see if Redis server is running.


First of all: I am new to OpenEnergyMonitor - so this is my first forum post :)

I managed to install emonHub and emoncms using the ready-to-go-image. But since I want to know how it works, and what packages it uses, I no try to build the setup step-by-step. I use the installation from github ->

I am now at the point of condiguring Redis. But when I try to start the redis-server with the following commands

sudo /etc/init.d/redis-server start

sudo service redis-server start

With both commands I get the following error-message:

Starting redis-server: failed

I couldn't find anything on that error-message with google and the forum-search, but I guess the redis-server is needed running :) Any tipp what I could have done wrong? I use the latest raspbian and did the update and upgrade command. I have a Raspberry Pi B (c)2011.12

Thanks for any help!

anjur's picture

Re: Check to see if Redis server is running.

I got it. The redis-server was already running. The error message was just a bit confusing.

One can check by typing

redis-cli ping

As an answer i got



EDIT - Useful check for others - title change to assist future forum searches - Paul (Moderator)

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