EmonBase capacity with multiple TXs

Has anyone done any load testing of numerous TXs to one base?
I want to move to putting clamps on all my distribution board feeds, and before I go to the expense, want to be sure it works.

I think I saw that someone had modded a TX to take nine clamps - I'm not bothered about doing that yet, but wondered if the base will cope with, say, 6 TXs.

I'm running 2 fine at the moment, but am possibly seeing some loss when I add my remaining TX.

glyn.hudson's picture

Re: EmonBase capacity with multiple TXs

No we havent really done any testing with lots of emonTx's to one base. We would be intersted to hear how you get on. As long as they all don't transmitt at exactly the same time and have different node ID's they should work ok. We have a new emonBase example which makes adding extra Tx's easy. It automatically forwards data from new nodes as it detects them to emoncms in a new CSV format. The naming of the feeds and nodes is done on emoncms: https://github.com/openenergymonitor/NanodeRF/tree/master/NanodeRF_multinode 

Robert Wall's picture

Re: EmonBase capacity with multiple TXs

As far as the address range is concerned, you can have a lot. But long before that limit is reached, I think you will be into problems with collisions of the data packets. Is that your worry? I recently read somewhere - I think it was on Jeenode - a suggestion to poll the TX's from the base as a means of getting round that problem. I only noticed it in passing, I didn't follow it up; but if you can find it again, it might be worth investigation. The snag with that is, the TX has to be at full power listening on the r.f. all the time (in the simplest implementation) so battery life is abysmal, but OK if mains powered.

This http://jeelabs.org/2011/06/27/time-controlled-transmissions/ might be what I read - it looks a bit familiar. Search for "Jeenode RFM12 collisions"  - there are a few more mentions.

Robert Wall's picture

Re: EmonBase capacity with multiple TXs

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