Pulse Counter Single feed

Can't seem to get basic Pulse Counter working, tried everything. I set up arduino with led flashing every 200ms. After failing to get Pulse sketch working I tried simple code from "OpenEnergyMeter Understanding Code part 5. Output prints ok on coms but getting zero. When I jack out I get spurious readings.


Wired optical sensor to plug as per guide diagram assuming  "Data" on plug connects to  "OUT" on sensor.  Is this correct?


long pulseCount = 0;
unsigned long pulseTime,lastTime; // Used to measure time between pulses
double power;
int ppwh = 1;                     // pulses per watt hour - found or set on the meter.

void setup()
  // pulse detection interrupt (emontx pulse channel - IRQ0 D3)
  attachInterrupt(1, onPulse, FALLING);

void loop()
  Serial.print(' ');
  Serial.println(pulseCount * ppwh);  // watt hour elapsed

// The interrupt routine - runs each time a falling edge of a pulse is detected
void onPulse()                  
  lastTime = pulseTime;
  pulseTime = micros();
  pulseCount++;                                               // count pulse               
  power = int((3600000000.0 / (pulseTime - lastTime))/ppwh);  // calculate power


0.00 0
0.00 0
0.00 0
0.00 0
0.00 0
0.00 0


see attached pic for setup

glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Pulse Counter Single feed

Try verifying that the pulse sensor is working by doing a digital read on Dig 3. It should be 1 when the sensor is exposed to light and 0 in the dark. What sensor are you using? 

Are you using an emonTx? If so you will need to solder the solder jumper to connect the pulse counting port Vcc to either 5V or 3.3V. I recommend 5V if you powering the emonTx from a usb/ftdi cable.


PeterN's picture

Re: Pulse Counter Single feed

Thanks Glyn,

I'm using Emontx and haven't added solder jumper yet. Can you please guide me on where to put jumper, assume 3.2V as I'll be using batteries. I've attached picture of connections I think are relevant. It probably obvious to the more experienced guys but I couldn't seem to find where to place jumper anywhere on build guide or forum.



glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Pulse Counter Single feed

Sorry, I think this is our faut for not explaining this better. Calling it a 'jumper' is perhaps a bit misleading. It's more of a solder link. You need to link the middle pad to the right pad using a blob of solder to select 3,3V.

PeterN's picture

Re: Pulse Counter Single feed

Soldered link and the pulse sensor is working fine, tried simple sketch and read Pin 3 as you suggested  and also when using test led from Arduino for pulses varying between 10-1000ms duration. Will try  3 X CT and  1 X pulse sketch tomorrow - I'll keep you posted. Many Thanks Glyn

PeterN's picture

Re: Pulse Counter Single feed

My target configuration for one emontx is 3 X CTs and 1 X pulse. My method is to mix and match code from emontx_CT123 and emontx pulse (see attached). It works fine for CT123 and Pulse count. However the power reading is negative (see attached screenshot). I tried latest emontx.Pulse and I get negative value for power also.

PeterN's picture

Re: Pulse Counter Single feed

Tried some basic testing and found the following results using arduino basics blinking sketch to flash led and only changed delay timer to get pulse rates below. Used pulse sketch below - only change was to add line to print to coms.

On m/s off m/s No. Pulses Power comment
1000 1000 5 1800 consistent - ok
100 100 50 18083 consistent - ok
50 50 100 -29186 inconsistent - power calc wrong -pulse ok
20 20 257 26752 consistent  - power calc wrong - pulse ok

For the purpose of my project the pulse rate is below 50 so I'm ok with above issue. I'm curious to know possible reason for wrong power calculations at 100 pulse per second and above as it is a simple calculation. My thoughts is it must be something to do with timer for last pulse.

PeterN's picture

Re: Pulse Counter Single feed

I plan to use pulse counts only and not calculate power.

It would be useful to produce hourly and daily totals based on accumulating pulses  Could input processing tool be used to this end?

Petrik's picture

Re: Pulse Counter Single feed

As building a pulse counter for my air-to-air heatpump rpm counter (which is needed to calculate output kw) I searched for pulse counting introduction. When reading this it occured into my mind that if trying to use millis within interrupt function its possible that it does not work correctly. Vaguely recall that millis() itself may generate an "interrupt" which prevents reading the time incorrectly or alternatively can cause the program to fail.

Therefore decided to implement this function differently;

void onPulse() {rpmcount++;}

void loop()


    // Calculate rpm by using how many times the interrupt has been called
    if (LED_rpm !=0) {if (rpmcount >= 5) {digitalWrite(LED_rpm,LOW);} else  {digitalWrite(LED_rpm,HIGH);}}  // first blink the led
    if (rpmcount >= 10)                                                                                     // then calculate the rpm
     rpm = 1000/(millis() - timeold)*rpmcount;
     timeold = millis();
     emontx.rpmhp = rpm;



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