What is the most efficient way to make emoncms data portable?

I'd like to add a feature to emoncms that makes it possible to copy feed data from say a remote server such as vis.openenergymonitor to a local server or another remote server (and doing this from within the emoncms user interface). I think it would be great if emoncms data is very portable between different emoncms instances. Benefits include: ability to have full control of data, including backing up, archiving old data. Moving of data to a faster machine to do intensive processing, especially useful if your internet connection is slow.

As the feed data tables can get quite large (many millions of rows), does anyone know what might be the most efficient/fast way of doing this. 

I've started to look along the lines of:

mysqldump --skip-comments --skip-opt --extended-insert -u username -p 'pass' dbname feed_1 | gzip > /var/www/emoncms3/feed_1.gz

Which could work in much the same way as phpmyadmin's export table feature works.

The above works ok from command line, but I seem to be having a little trouble running it from a php exec() call. May be to do with my server settings. But is this the best way to go I wonder? Does anyone have experience and advice on the best way to do this?

Thanks a lot, Trystan