jgauge : Value is "wrong rounded"! Math.floor <-> Math.round


when I use the jgauge-widget, than the displayed value is calculated wrong.

For example: The feed-value is 12000. Then the jgauge is displaying 1199. Always missing "one"

This is only when the value is ascending. -> value changes from 1000 to 1200 -> displayed value stays at 1199

On descending: -> value changes from 1400 to 1200 -> displayed value stays at 1200


bar-widget and dial-widget are working proper!






Looking at the jgauge_render.js: Why rounding always to the next lower value?
ctx.fillText(Math.floor(value)+units, 37*(size/100), 85*(size/100));

Shouldn't it be:
ctx.fillText(Math.round(value)+units, 37*(size/100), 85*(size/100));


only a suggest from me.