Ignore nodes


I have an emoncms system with two emontx V2 nodes (one to monitor power in/out etc. and one to monitor my heatpump) with a raspberry pi as my emonbase. The pi receives data from both nodes (9 and 10) and also temperature from an emonglcd (node 20). I now wish to integrate Robins Mk2 Diverter into the system. The Mk2 would need to be located next to the heatpump which is no where near the main fusebox where node 10 monitors the power going in or out so would need controlled wirelessly. To keep things as simple as possible (and after discussions with Robin) I will use the emontx's for controlling the Mk2. However, node 10 will be sending lots of control messages to node 9 for the Mk2. After some testing and further correspondence with Robin it seems that to make the system work as I would like (continue logging everything as now and also divert power when available) it would be better to send the  node 10 data to node 9 and then node 9 would supply all the feed data to the emonbase pi. Therefore what I would like to do is modify the emoncms software on my pi to ignore any messages from node 10 i.e. if a message is received by the pi from node 10 it just ignores it and does no processing. can anyone help with pointing me in the right direction of how to do this?

Thanks in advance.

pb66's picture

Re: Ignore nodes

There probably is a way of specifically excluding node 10 in emoncms but it may be easier to either change node 10's ID to node 30 within the sketch and then in emonCMS set max_node_id_limit in settings.php  to 29 or alternatively, you could just ignore node 10's inputs you don't have to log, process or display them, they could just be left redundant on the inputs page, either of these methods would allow you perform updates to emoncms without overwriting any custom code.


hendersoniain's picture

Re: Ignore nodes


Thanks for that - I didn't see max_node_id_limit in my settings.php but I see it's there in the latest version of emoncms. It sounds like changing node 10 to node 30 will do just what I require. I will update my emoncms on the pi later (I guess I should be running the latest version anyway) and give it a try. I don't suppose there would be a way of changing all my historical data from node 10 to node 30 data when I change the node number? Not the end of the world but would be nice to keep the old data.

pb66's picture

Re: Ignore nodes

Your existing feeds are not tied to any particular node, if you have the same inputs arriving under another node number, you can recreate node 10's processing for the replacement node and continue logging data to the same feeds.

Depending on what your plans are for forwarding node 30's data, are you planning on just expanding node 9 and passing all values in one go ? You could add a 2nd transmission to node 9's sketch I guess, reusing node 10, so no change would be required in emoncms.

If you do end up creating new feeds the old feeds holding node 10 data can be left in the feeds page and node 10's inputs & processing safely deleted and/or reused without any issues.


hendersoniain's picture

Re: Ignore nodes


Sounds good to just replace nod 10's processing for the replacement data and logging to the same feeds.

Was planning to expand node 9 and passing all values in one go.

Thanks for your advice.

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