Electric Imp Energy Pulse Counter logging into EmonCMS

Hi There.

I used the Electric IMP with the http://shop.openenergymonitor.com/tsl257-optical-pulse-sensing-kit/ optical LED.

Each minute I post the number of pulses counted from the electric meter to EmonCMS, that works fine, and I played round with the guides - but newer succeeded to make a correct initial configuration to show the power consumption per day.

10.000 Pulses is 1Kwh.

Is there anybody that can help me with a basic EmonCMS configuration  for this?

Best Regards

Christian Søgaard Nielsen


ukmoose's picture

Re: Electric Imp Energy Pulse Counter logging into EmonCMS

Have you tried something like this?


You have an input that is number of pulses for the past hour?

So if you divide that by 10.000 you get kWh.  But as you can't divide by 10 multiply by 0.01.

Then use the process under power kWh -> kWh/d

and log that to a feed.




dkcsn's picture

Re: Electric Imp Energy Pulse Counter logging into EmonCMS

My input is for each minute - so I have to sum 60 minutes for getting a hour .



ukmoose's picture

Re: Electric Imp Energy Pulse Counter logging into EmonCMS

Ooops must have been asleep not to see that!

Add an "accumlator process"  in after you have done the multiplication.


dkcsn's picture

Re: Electric Imp Energy Pulse Counter logging into EmonCMS

I will try that - :-)

dkcsn's picture

Re: Electric Imp Energy Pulse Counter logging into EmonCMS

I guess I could use some help over eg Skype 

dkcsn's picture

Re: Electric Imp Energy Pulse Counter logging into EmonCMS

Screenshoot of my configuration

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