How to remotely authenticate with emoncms user & pwd and get write apikey with json?


I'm trying to find a way to use json the following way:

1.i'd authenticate with username and password and retrieve the corresponding write api key

2.the write api key then would be stored on the android tablet  and would be used as needed

3.If there is a change in the user information, no need to key in the new write api key, the android user would only key in the new emoncms username and password, and in the background the tablet would retrieve the corresponding write api key. 

Thank you very much for your time, any help is greatly appreciated. 


ukmoose's picture

Re: How to remotely authenticate with emoncms user & pwd and get write apikey with json?

The software doesn't allow you to do what you want.  Sending a username and password in a non encrypted json string doesn't sound like a good idea.  But the benefit of open source software is that you can download the source code and modify it to do exactly what you want.


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