Null Tags contain "null" on feeds page

I've noticed a couple of quirks with EmonCMS they are not a problem for me but I thought I should share anyway. the first is the null Tag values on the feeds page. when a new feed is created it has no Tag value by default and "null" is displayed. If you then edit that feeds details or even if you only click the edit pen and then click it again to exit edit mode, the "null" is saved as a text value and a group called "null" is created. You can delete the "null" text and have a truly null value at which time the feed will leave the null group and rejoin the other untagged feeds in NoGroup.

As I just delete the null text values I didn't notice the null group is also displayed on the input process page buttons, I became aware of this latter bit because I noticed it on jbecker's screenshot on this thread today.

I will start a new thread a little later for the other quirk :-)



JBecker's picture

Re: Null Tags contain "null" on feeds page

I saw the same thing but also didn't care much about it because at the moment I have no idea for which purpose the 'Tag' property is used at all !?!

OK, I can give the feeds an additional 'name' with the tag or put them into different 'groups', but is this useful for anything? Would like to learn what others do with this tag value.


pb66's picture

Re: Null Tags contain "null" on feeds page

I think they are just to organise your feeds into useful groups as the list can get pretty long and pretty messy. the group names are only used in the "button graphics" previously mentioned.

The groups also help manage the "displayed" list as you can temporarily hide each group individually, so if you are comaparind 2 feeds that are normally spaced so far apart that they won't fit on a screen, you can hide everything except the group(s) those feeds are in and see it on 1 screen without scrolling, 


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