Local CT read on emonbase

Hi I have a emonbase and a emontx working perfectly (thanks guys!)

The issues begins when I try to add a local CT reader to the emonbase. The hardware is made and I couldn't test that because I have problems integrating EnergyMonitor class on my working emonbase sketch. The readings would be on Analog 0 for current and Analog 1 for CT.

The sketch compiles without warnings, and I tried with the Emon.h/Emon.cpp used on my emontx on the same way and with a example of the Emonlib.h/Emonlib.cpp

As soon as the emonlocal is executed the output on the serial is a lot of empty lines and the leds on the emonbase tilt both at the same time. 

The sketch should fit on the Atmega and I am don't know what is happening. Could you help me with this?

Thanks and regards

tzac's picture

Re: Local CT read on emonbase

Example attachment

fjhug's picture

Re: Local CT read on emonbase

This is usually due to running out of ram. The sketch will compile fine, but it won't run properly.

I had to set the ethernet buffer to 500 instead of 700 in my code. This is still plenty for most application. it gave me enough ram for the rest of my code.

byte Ethernet::buffer[500];
tzac's picture

Re: Local CT read on emonbase

Many thanks! seems that the problem was there ;)

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