Convert Nanode 5 to Nanode RF ?!

Hi all,


I have a Nanode 5, ho can I use the new software of the nanode RF on it ?


I saw something on the nanode website about an upgrade..


Can somebody tell me mote about converting the Nanode 5 to a RF version ?



glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Convert Nanode 5 to Nanode RF ?!

 Nanode 5 is hardware identical to the NanodeRF once a JeeLabs RFM12B breakout board has been added see:

rwijbenga's picture

Re: Convert Nanode 5 to Nanode RF ?!

So to be clear, I can use also this software on my Emonbase with the nanode 5?




glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Convert Nanode 5 to Nanode RF ?!

 Yes, once the modifications that are described in the link above have been implemented. 

rwijbenga's picture

Re: Convert Nanode 5 to Nanode RF ?!

Super !


Works like a charm!

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