USB to serial adapter troubles



I have just started a small energy monitoring project with three emonTx nodes and a raspberry pi with hdd setup.

Everything is working fine and the emonTx nodes where really easy to setup.


I just have one problem. I have a geothermal heat pump which i would like to log data from and it is now equipped with a serial interface just for this purpose.

The problem is that i cannot get the usb to serial adapter working with the raspberry and emoncms images. It detects the adapter but does not assign it to /dev/ttyUSB0. If i install a clean raspbian it works, detects the adapter and assigns it to /dev/ttyUSB0. What can be causing this?


I´m not a advanced linux user so I hope this might be an easy problem.

 Thanks in advance


ukmoose's picture

Re: USB to serial adapter troubles

Sounds like the same issue as on this post ( scroll to the bottom )

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