JeeLib Library - RFM12B

The JeeLabs JeeLib library that we use as the RFM12B driver is currently in a change period as support for the RFM69CW module is introduced. This is an exciting development and will in the future being several benefits. Those who are interested can follow developments here: We have started testing RFM69CW on our hardware, expect to hear more about this soon. The JeeLib driver will eventually allow for backward compatibility between RFM12B <> RFM69CW


RFM69CW modules in testing


For everyone else wanting stable systems using RFM12B I recommend we use the 'old' JeeLib which has been proven to be stable with RFM12B and tested on OEM hardware. This can be downloaded as a tagged release here:

rwhitfield's picture

Re: JeeLib Library - RFM12B

Hi. Just letting you know that due to changes in the jeelib library in the past few weeks, anybody following the installing-libraries-and-firmware-using-git-on-ubuntu-linux guide will get a failed build. This is because glcdlib calls a deprecated function in jeelib which was recently removed. The old release (v11) works so maybe add "git checkout v11" to the guide after "git clone ...glcdlib". Or maybe someone should update glcdlib to call non-deprecated functions, although glcdlib doesn't look like it's actively developed. 

glyn.hudson's picture

Re: JeeLib Library - RFM12B

Thanks for letting us know, I've added git checkout v11 to the documentaion

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