Visualising heating input / temperature

I may just be failing to get to grips with the capabilities of emoncms, but I'd appreciate any thoughts on this:

I want to build a limited model of the thermal characteristics of my house.

I have gas consumption and external temperature / multiple internal temperature sensors as realtime data.

First, by running the boiler for DHW overnight (when the heating is off) I have time-separated space heating from DHW. Is it possible to selectively log to different feeds depending on the time of day? If not, is this something that others would find useful, or is it because there's a better way?

Can anyone clarify the "accumulator" and "total pulse count to pulse increment" processes?

The long-term data I think I'm interested in is (avg daily internal temp - avg daily external temp) / total daily gas consumption, charted on a day-by-day basis. That is, over one winter I might see that on average the house is 10 degrees above ambient at a cost of 50kWh of gas, then I could add roof insulation and see either that the house is now 11 degrees above ambient or the gas use has fallen to 49kWh/d.

How would I log / visualise this?

I'm willing to get stuck in to the code but I feel that the system's just not intuitive enough for me to know how to direct my efforts.


Schism's picture

Re: Visualising heating input / temperature

Can anyone clarify the "accumulator" and "total pulse count to pulse increment" processes?

I took a proper look at the emonCMS code last night and have submitted a pull request to improve the input processing documentation.

The input processing code doesn't actually look that complex (although I have no idea what redis is ;) ) so once I get set up with a local emonEMC installation, I'll hopefully be able to contribute something along the above lines.

It's interesting that there's not much pulse / temperature support out of the box. A lot of focus on electricity (but we use around 40kWh/d of gas and only ~5kWh/d of electricity). It must feel a little hacky to use i.e. kwh_to_kwhd to log the daily change in a water pulse accumulator feed :-)

TrystanLea's picture

Re: Visualising heating input / temperature

Thanks for the pull request, just merged it and pulled in the changes to I agree that better support is needed for temp and pulses, Il try and post up some thoughts on this soon

Schism's picture

Re: Visualising heating input / temperature

Thanks Trystan,

Looking forward to your thoughts.

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