myheating resets packetgen interval

Hi, I slowly make progress in understanding all the stuff between the PHP files and menus and websites. Now I got it so far, that I can define a setpoint in the myheating example and receive that in my emonTx where I will soon start developing the controlling. Currently I'm wondering why clicking on "Heating on/off" button always resets the send interval of the PacketGen. I want to send time and data only once in 5min. Immediately after I either enabled or disabled the heating by click the packetgen interval is reset to once in 5s (which seems to be a default).

I searched around in the files but could not yet find the (probably unwanted) link between these two. Does anyone have an idea where to fix that?

Thanks a lot in advance


p.s.: I'm using the setpoint.php.

arwed's picture

Re: myheating resets packetgen interval

I'm still struggling with that effect. I cannot find any connection between the heating switch of setpoint.php from myheating and the interval value of packetgen. Has somebody an idea where to fix that?

Any help very appreciated. Thank you!

arwed's picture

Re: myheating resets packetgen interval

Hi, meanwhile I found, that the interval value is reset to the first value in the list. I commented out the other options in packetgen_view.php:

<div class="input-prepend">
  <span class="add-on">Send packet every: </span>

  <select id="interval-selector" style="width:80px">
    <!-- option value=5>5s</option>
    <option value=10>10s</option>
    <option value=30>30s</option>
    <option value=60>60s</option -->
    <option value=300>5 min</option>
    <option value=600>10 min</option>
    <option value=0>Never</option>

so that the 5 min value is the first in the list. Now after each change in the "myheating" control module the packetgen interval does change back to 5 min -- which solves my personal problem ( I don't need faster reports), but I'm quite sure that this was not the intention of the author. And I still not understand _where_ the link is between the two modules. Something performs the reset ... Did anybody else observed that behavior?

Thanks for any feedback!

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