Complete uninstall on Raspberri Pi


I'm using emoncms for some tests but I think I did something wrong (i used $default_engine = Engine::PHPTIMESERIES; instead of $default_engine = Engine::MYSQL;) and I'd like to restart with a clean installation.

I deleted the mysql DB and the emoncms folder under www, I reinstalled emoncms, I registered the admin user but when I go to the input panel I still have the old inputs from the previous installation.

I can't undesrtand why since I deleted both db and main emoncms folder.

Can it be connected to the previous wrong engine (some data/cache in PHP)?

Can you help?


Alessandro - Italy



jb79's picture

Re: Complete uninstall on Raspberri Pi

Hello Alessando,

Inputs normally appear automatically if the settings (network group and frequency) of the RFM12PI module match the settings of your emonTX and the emonTX is already sending data. Switch off the power supply of your emonTX and delete all inputs. Now they shouldn't appear again until the emonTX is powered up again.

If you want to use the raspberry with a mySQL database please use an external harddisk for the data that changes (mySQL db, logfiles,...) =>

Otherwise your SD card can get corrupt in some weeks or month because of its limited write cycles, I had this issue 2 times in the past, now the mySQL database is on an additional webserver with a harddisk. This combination is running for 9 month at the moment without any data loss.

best regards,

Juergen - Austria


loander's picture

Re: Complete uninstall on Raspberri Pi

Hi there .

Having a similar issue on Ubuntu with MySQl

I delete the complete /var/www/emoncms dir.

I drop the emoncms DB in mysql.

I delete





I the re-install. After reinstall, all the old garbage inputs re-apear?


loander's picture

Re: Complete uninstall on Raspberri Pi

Same issue for me, any resove ?

Robert Wall's picture

Re: Complete uninstall on Raspberri Pi

I have seen the answer to this. Can you not find anything using the search?

pb66's picture

Re: Complete uninstall on Raspberri Pi

sudo redis-cli FLUSHALL


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