Time Categories for the Input/Feeds


I am suggesting a feature. A time of use option. In some countries we are billed according to time of use to encourage off-peak usage. It would be handy to have our usage separated. 

What would it take to add an option to the input filter that allows an "If" statement. Ideally, I'd create an array of the time categories and depending on the time, log the usage to a different feed. 

Any suggestions or reasons not to do it that way? Can anyone familiar with the input filters push me in the right direction? Or before I go and mess up my emoncms doing this modification, has anyone else implemented anything similar?


TrystanLea's picture

Re: Time Categories for the Input/Feeds

This might be easier to implement in post-processing inside a visualisation rather than input processing. If you had a power feed stored in timestore, you could then get the hourly average and then with some work create a visualisation that displays totals based on time of day. The timestoredaily visualisation may server as a useful template, it requests a timestore average on line 149 here:



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