MPP tracker and RFM12 problem


I've just built a solar MPP tracker for my 12V battery and want to send data via a RFM12 module.

The MPP software is from Tim Nolan:, but I did some modifications (current reading via ACS712, other pinout for the LED).

The MPP system itself is working fine, but when I try to send the measurements the system locks up just when I call "send_rf_data()" in the main loop. I found out executing "rf12_sendWait(2)" (included in the emontx_lib.ino) causes this lock. In my opinion the problem is about the interrupts used in the MPP software, they seem to cause problems when used together with the RFM12 interrupt.

Any idea how the problem could be solved or would it be easier to write a new MPP code without an interrupt?