Solar PV power diversion PLL - 3 emontx and nanondeRF

My idea is to have one nanodeRF as a I2C master. Then three emontx as a I2C slaves. Master would control local and wireless remote load . Master would also collect 3-phase consumption and production, then send it to emoncms.

MartinR PLL based solution uses timer interrupt to analog input sampling. I did try to find exact information if it  possible to use WIRE library same time with precise timing interrupts. Found out that arduino I2C WIRE library is somehow blocking type of code. Does this mean that  I2C hardware interrupt can override time critical ADC sampling?  Perhaps somebody have try same before? I'll ask before I'll try.


Robert Wall's picture

Re: Solar PV power diversion PLL - 3 emontx and nanondeRF

Take a look at MartinR's Controller. That has a 1-wire temperature sensor and interrupts. See Diverting surplus PV Power: PLL

Zakke's picture

Re: Solar PV power diversion PLL - 3 emontx and nanondeRF

Thanks, seems like RFM12B uses also interrupts and everything is working. I did found this from arduino forum:

Everything should be fine. I'll try my luck and proceed with modification


Zakke's picture

Re: Solar PV power diversion PLL - 3 emontx and nanondeRF

Now I have successfully build up the setup mentioned in first message. 3 picece of emontx V2, one for every phase. Emontx talks the measurements to nanondeRF via I2c.  Nanonde RF sends measurements to local hosted Emoncs server. Here is emoncms screen for measurements:

I have used MartinR based code for diverting. BrianD made local / RF remoteload modification for it. I did try to use RF control to my secondary load, but run into problems with my electric company's meter.

The meter does not have 1Wh (3600J) buffer window. I did have to set energy buffer size to 1J to get it working somehow. So lower energylevel is 200 and high energy level is 201. This setup does not the allow to use antiflickering mode. Also it is not possible to use RF for remote control, because so much traffic on the air. This I can fix with physical cabling. Lights flickering is annoying, but can be bypassed with LED lights.

Diverting load size is 1500w per phase, total 4,5kW. Problem is that when surplus energy is more than half of diverting load ( > 750w ), then left energy is lost. This is proven by comparing days with good PV production and rainy days. I think this energy meter has very small buffer for production register.  There is no way to measure this, no LEDs on meter for production indication.

Is MK2i code somehow efficient for diverting this kind of energy? Is the decision to divert made faster than other solutions?

I think that I need flicker as much as possible to keep the buffer steady. One thing that I can do more is to replace diverting resistor to bigger 2kw (6kw/3phase) version. Then there is more possibilities to empty the meter production buffer sooner. 






Zakke's picture

Re: Solar PV power diversion PLL - 3 emontx and nanondeRF

Now I have successfully build up the setup mentioned in first message. 3 picece of emontx V2, one for every phase. Emontx talks the measurements to nanondeRF via I2c.  Nanonde RF sends measurements to local hosted Emoncs server.

I have used MartinR based code for diverting. BrianD made local / RF remoteload modification for it. I did try to use RF control to my secondary load, but run into problems with my electric company's meter.

The meter does not have 1Wh (3600J) buffer window. I did have to set energy buffer size to 1J to get it working somehow. So lower energylevel is 200 and high energy level is 201. This setup does not the allow to use antiflickering mode. Also it is not possible to use RF for remote control, because so much traffic on the air. This I can fix with physical cabling. Lights flickering is annoying, but can be bypassed with LED lights.

Diverting load size is 1500w per phase, total 4,5kW. Problem is that when surplus energy is more than half of diverting load ( > 750w ), then left energy is lost. This is proven by comparing days with good PV production and rainy days. I think this energy meter has very small buffer for production register.  There is no way to measure this, no LEDs on meter for production indication.

Is MK2i code somehow efficient for diverting this kind of energy? Is the decision to divert made faster than other solutions?

I think that I need flicker as much as possible to keep the buffer steady. One thing that I can do more is to replace diverting resistor to bigger 2kw (6kw/3phase) version. Then there is more possibilities to empty the meter production buffer sooner. 






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