Pi and network attached storage

I am unclear how the data gathered by emoncms is stored.  I understand the issues around SD card failures and I wonder if using a network storage area would be a solution.  I can easily mount directories on the Pi to my NAS (I have it running for pywws) but I am unclear where the data is or if it is possible especially if a data base is involved.  For pywws I have even put the html files on the NAS and the webserver on the Pi is pulling them in from there.

I want to run a local version of emoncms on the Pi rather than use the remote service so the gateway alone is not a solution (AFAICS).

I have the fully ready to use SD image up and running having upgraded to V6 and Timestore.

Any suggestions?

Robert Wall's picture

Re: Pi and network attached storage

The problem as you know is frequent writes to the SD card. If you rejig the Pi setup so that the SD card is read-only, and all dynamic data storage (including log files!) is done to a spinning disc, then you should be OK. It has been done, but I can't remember the details so you need to search the forums - I've seen at least one solution written up.

Robert Wall's picture

Re: Pi and network attached storage

I've found something for you:

Re: RaspberryPi as emonBase forwarder only - SD card life expectancy concern
Submitted by mharizanov on Thu, 25/04/2013 - 11:36.

Interesting subject,

also check this topic, where they discuss the option to mount the SD as R/O




and a little more here:


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