Ready Image documentation

Is there any documentation as to how the ready image is built & setup?  I have been trying to log into the web interface without success and because of that have been looking at the instructions for the 'build from scratch'.  It is clear the ready image has not been built in the same way as the 'build your own'. For example, there is no emoncms group.

This does make debugging a little more difficult! It also means that I am unsure if the steps in the 'build from scratch' like turning off log files, have actually been done.

glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Ready Image documentation

I think there could be some confusion here between SD card images.

The current Raspberry Pi SD card image contains only a gateway to push data directly to (or any other remote emoncms server) without local storage. This is a read-only file system as to not wear out the SD card through long term logging. This gateway SD card image can be downloaded from: and instructions to build it from scratch can be found :

The previous Raspberry Pi SD card image which consists of a full build of Raspian and an emoncms server locally setup on the Pi can still be downloaded from: Instructions to build this image from scratch ca be found:

borpin123's picture

Re: Ready Image documentation

I don't think there is any confusion.  I downloaded the 'ready to go' image which is a full image ready to go and does!  Only problem is that I have no idea how it is setup nor can I log into it!

It still seems to be a current build AFAICS.

glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Ready Image documentation

That is the 'old' SD card image, there is nothing old about it other than we are trying to builld a more robust solution. Running a full emoncms server and logging data locally on the Pi does wear out the SD card after 3 months or so. The change to the current read only file system and new gateway SD card image is explained in this blog post:

borpin123's picture

Re: Ready Image documentation

OK fair enough and perhaps that should be better explained on the main website - thanks for the explanation.

For the moment I want to run it this way but I really need the login details :(


glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Ready Image documentation

For the older emoncmspi image ssh user 'pi' and password 'raspberry', emoncms user is 'raspi' and password 'raspberry'

For the newer 'gateway' image ssh user 'root' password 'root'

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