EmonCMS data incorrect

Is anyone else having weird reading on EmonCMS?

I noticed this morning my usage was unrealistically low so I took a closer look and found EmonCMS not responding to any usage changes, although the feed values are varying they do not alter when I add a large load. I checked the serial.print values from my EmonTX which appeared ok and responsive. as editing the struct values manually had no effect either I have now shut down my system completely to reset, My system has been off for half an hour now and EmonCMS is still reporting my feeds updating every few seconds...

This (may or) may not be related to the recent EmonCMS outage so rather than hijack Trystans thread I started a fresh one.


TrystanLea's picture

Re: EmonCMS data incorrect

I've just emailed you. Sounds like very strange behavior.

warlock's picture

Re: EmonCMS data incorrect

I am having the same issue but rather than low readings I am seeing unrealistically high readings. I did post this in the other thread, still waiting for a response though

warlock's picture

Re: EmonCMS data incorrect

Ignore me,

I am being a real git, I assume kWh was the kWh for the last hour, where it's actually accumulative ?


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