Updates to emoncms visualisations + clear cache

Hello all

I've added a new visualisation called timestoredaily to emoncms, which generates daily average data that used to be calculated using an average or power_to_kwhd input processor on the fly from timestore's in-built averaging capability. timestoredaily can be tried out under the Vis tab and can be added to dashboards.

timestoredaily should solve the problem of kwh/d feeds being generated at midnight UTC rather than midnight at the localtime of the monitor/browser assuming they are the same.

I've also updated the flot graphing library to the latest version, which meant I also had to change the way the visualisations specify to use browser local time.

Emoncms does not yet have a way to force the browser to clear cache and load the new versions of the JavaScript files so if you do see missing visualisations, try clearing your cache and they should come back.

timestoredaily also means its possible to view daily average data for all timestore feeds which is pretty cool and its possible to save on server/raspberrypi etc resources by removing power_to_kwhd and average input processors.


Paul Reed's picture

Re: Updates to emoncms visualisations + clear cache

Could daily Min & Max values be calculated in a similar manner? Again to further save emoncms resources.


Paul Reed's picture

Re: Updates to emoncms visualisations + clear cache

Just updated & surprised how quickly the graph draws. Almost 6 months worth of data displayed in about 1 second!

Is there any chance of developing a widget to display the current day's kwhd using the same principle?


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