Two RPis talking to same emoncms account - will this create an extra burden on your servers?

I am using two RPi devices with RFM12B, and I am logging data to my emoncms account on one, while using the other as a development machine also at times logging to the same emoncms account while I tinker with the oemgateway stuff.  My question is will this bugger the servers on your end, creating dual datapoints or will the server just ignore duplicate inputs.  I don't want to create another burden on your system so I am seeking clarification.

TrystanLea's picture

Re: Two RPis talking to same emoncms account - will this create an extra burden on your servers?

It will just overwrite existing data points at that location in time (if they are timestore feeds).

A single extra PI shouldn't make a big difference, depends on the volume of data you are posting.

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