Help appreciated on how to copy Mysql file to Windows network


I am trying to backup my data from the Pi server to my Windows network. I have set up Samba on the Pi and have managed to set up a share so that /var/lib is visible to the windows network. I have no trouble copying the timestore folder to a backup Windows directory and have got a scheduled backup running.

However Mysql is a different matter and I guess it is to due to security restrictions. When I try to copy the folder I get "You  require permission from the computers administrator to make changes to this folder"

If I try to open the folder I get a similar message.

I have made an attempt to set up Trystan's backup scripts  and have set up Wampserver and emoncms on a Windows PC on the network but again I could not get past the stage requiring the Pi mysql files to be copied to the Windows mysql folder.

Any help with this appreciated.



engeeaitch's picture

Re: Help appreciated on how to copy Mysql file to Windows network

To backup mysql, I have been successfully using automysqlbackup.  Take a look here:  and here:

I am also backing up from my Pi to a shared folder on my Windows PC.

Fyi - I started by creating a tar of the timestore files, but on one occasion it failed, saying that the contents had changed during the operation.  To get round this, I now stop the service, do the backup (which is really quick) and then start the service.


Ian Eagland's picture

Re: Help appreciated on how to copy Mysql file to Windows network

Many thanks Nick,

Just working through set up now.




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