Emoncms event module -cant get working

When I choose event from my extras menu, I get a Fatal error Call to a member function fetch_array() in event_model.php.

My server is running as localhost.

Everything else seems ok.

Have downloaded latest Git files.

Advice please.


Paul Reed's picture

Re: Emoncms event module -cant get working

Presumably if you have downloaded latest git files, you will be running the Timestore version of emoncms. Have you installed php5-curl?


gyrolen's picture

Re: Emoncms event module -cant get working

Yes have done the following.

Sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt php5-curl


Paul Reed's picture

Re: Emoncms event module -cant get working

Does it give more information about the error in the php log?

$ tail -F -n 40 /var/log/rfm12piphp.log

(Ctr C to exit)


Sorry, wrong advice - things have changed!


gyrolen's picture

Re: Emoncms event module -cant get working

It says no file or directory

When I look in /var/log there is no file  called rfm12piphp.log


gyrolen's picture

Re: Emoncms event module -cant get working

Have found a solution.

I had not gone into Admin and Updated the Database.

Seems to work now.


gyrolen's picture

Re: Emoncms event module -cant get working

Have found a solution.

I had not gone into Admin and Updated the Database.

Seems to work now, thanks.


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