Emoncms development ideas

I've been thinking about how a really simple to setup and use implementation of emoncms could work, a version specifically designed for say single CT energy monitors rather than more complex systems that the main emoncms would be of more use for. Here are my thoughts feel free to join in

  1. User creates an account, the initial welcome page features a pictorial guide of how to configure the emonBase with the apikey. Maybe the apikey could be set via a served webpage onboard the emonBase, although this could make the sketch look even more complicated.


  2. The emonBase sends power data under specific variable names, that emoncms can then detect and auto configure input processing (creation of a kwh/d feed) and then auto create an energy dashboard from both the power feed and the kwh/d feed.

    This could happen if the variable is called ?power=200 for example.

    Then in emoncms we can go if (input_name == power) do all this stuff.


  3. A page on emoncms could then autoupdate when it detects a new connection from an emonBase and say something like “energy monitor detected, your all ready to go, take a look at the dashboard”


  4. The dashboard would then by default have a visualisation that allows you to click on the daily energy use bars and zoom in to a power profile for that day.

Other features that would be nice

  1. Caibration feature that makes it possible to calibrate the energy monitor against the billing meter in the house


  2. Easy to setup automatic emails of daily/weekly energy use

Ok so a few thoughts to start with, for now I dont have a great deal of time to dive in on development right now so I'd just like to share my thoughts and crystalise the ideas, maybe draw up some concept designs.

Do you think a simple home energy monitor dashboard focused version of emoncms would be a good idea?

Can you think of any other features that would be good?


SilviyaSam's picture

Re: Emoncms development ideas

I like the way you think and your concepts. Yes I think simple home energy monitor dashboard focused version of emoncms is a good idea.


rabbithutch's picture

Re: Emoncms development ideas

 I think this is a great idea. Also useful would be different feeds to calculate only positive kwh and kwhd totals for people who don't have meters that run backwards when there pv panels are generating :-)

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