kwhd bar graph vs. rawdata difference ?

Maybe its just me but noticed that rawdata wL123 for past 24hours (more than today only) gives 23kwh as total where as Power to kwh/d  wL123_kwhd bar graph just for today 14.8. shows 30kwhd ?

What could be the reason ?

1 Log to feed (TIMESTORE) wL1
2 + input 2
3 + input 3
4 Power to kWh/d wL123_kwhd
5 Power to kWh wL123_kwh
6 Log to feed (TIMESTORE) wL123

These  are on two different dashboards on but copied for comparison to the attached image.

Petrik's picture

Re: kwhd bar graph vs. rawdata difference ?


Kwh/d and rawdata does still not match - at least somekind of timeshift and possibly algorithm change has happened ?



TrystanLea's picture

Re: kwhd bar graph vs. rawdata difference ?

Hello Petrik, it may well be a timeshift issue, this is still an outstanding bug in emoncms, The kwh/d value for the bar graph is calculated using the server time which is UTC, while the raw data is based on your local time, the kwh/d input processor needs to take into account the local time.

With the new timestore data store it will be possible to get around this as it computes layers of averages that could be queried at the users local time rather than server time but the visualizations still need to be written to do this.

Thanks for flagging it up and reminding me.

Petrik's picture

Re: kwhd bar graph vs. rawdata difference ?

Thanks - did not really mean time offset - looks like the BIG issue was only in 14.8. data where kwh/d is way bigger (+20-30%) than normal and not comparable to raw data even after removing time offset. Now for past 2 days kwh/d number is settled down. 


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