emoncms.org server, known issues?

Hi, my emonTx+nanode have been sending data to emoncms.org for about 2 weeks now (also see http://lantaukwcounter.blogspot.hk/), and i have a couple of problems:

1. there seems to be a problem at the moment with the hh:mm display, i see only "h:" instead of real hours, also on example dashboards of Trystan http://emoncms.org/trystan/solarpv - maybe a bug introduced by v5? (EDIT: this seems to happen only on my chromebook and my android phone, laptop windows/chrome shows hours correctly)

2. my posting frequency sometimes goes down dramatically; i suspect it to be a problem of my internet connection, or can you confirm that the emoncms.org server is sometimes unreachable for several minutes? e.g. early morning (UK time) of 12 April, i also see some infrequent data points in Trystan's example dashboard (after some guess work as i only see "h:" at the moment). is there a place where such problems get reported?

it introduces large errors in my kWh data, see http://lantaukwcounter.blogspot.hk/2013/04/first-comparison-with-electricity-meter.html

3. my multigraph on http://emoncms.org/tomtobback/3phases always shows up with old data, i have to hit e.g. the D button to get the most recent 24hrs - how to fix this?

4. in the simplezoom vis, when i click on a bar i get the power graph for one day, starting 8:00 until 20:00, maybe because of my timezone GMT+8? how to fix this?

5. due to issue 2 i had a large error in my kWh histogram. strangely the kWh/day data seems correct, so i have 2 different values for kWh in that day (9 April) see http://emoncms.org/tomtobback/dailyconsu and i cannot manually edit the histogram data, it does not show up in the edit vis; is there a way to fix this?

Additionally, i have a couple of suggestions maybe for future versions:

-optional log scale on dial; my power is usually around 200W with peaks up to 15kW, if i set the max dial to 5kW, it does not report numbers over 5kW; it could just hit the extreme red while continuing to show increasing values

-when zooming in to hour-minute level, the day info is lost; it would be nice to have a rollover feature on the hh:mm that shows the full time data (day, hour, timezone?) 

-the data text in the graphs is quite large, e.g. in the simplezoom vis, it overlaps and disables some buttons and makes it impossible to switch back from power to kWh/d view, also on http://emoncms.org/trystan/solarpv (at least in chrome)

I have to add that in general i am extremely happy with this cloud solution! Thanks a lot for any feedback on the above 5 issues-



TrystanLea's picture

Re: emoncms.org server, known issues?

Hello tomtobback

1. I dont see exactly what you see in the screenshot but there does seem to be something a little strange with some of the tick missing on the time axis with a change I made yesterday where I upgraded emoncms to use the latest stable version of the flotcharts library, Il have to look into it more.

2. Looking at your graph, if you experienced the issue at 7:10 to 7:30 and your 8 hours ahead then that would in fact coincide with a server issue that appears for me at 23:30 April 11 to 01:00 April 12 (BST). The server was under really very high load which would have made it sluggish at best, probably unresponsive. The cause of the slow down at that point Im not sure. There have been 4 such events since march 15th. So that would explain what you saw I think. But generally apart from those spikes, the server has been really stable with a load of around 0.5-0.7 which means it's been generally quite responsive.

I want to add a simple fix that will sort out the issue that downtime at any point along the line whether local internet or emoncms causes to kwh/d feeds and also histogram feeds. Only to add a kwh increment if the last datapoint is less than a couple of minutes away. There is a danger that this may end up reporting values that are lower than what they should be but from some tests here on my local machine it got rid of those large spikes in kwhd.

3. The Multigraph time window bug is an ongoing issue that I need to turn my attention too. Did putting a tick in the floating time box work for you?

4. Il have to look at this, I can confirm the bug here with BST +1

5. An editor for histogram is needed, I was faced with exactly the same problem yesterday and started to thing about an editor for histogram feeds, unfortunately its quite a bit more complicated to implement than the kwhd editor. I think we need either an editor for histogram feeds or to implement the fix that would the problem coming up in the first place and then recompile the older histogram data from the power feed. Anyway Ive got this high up on the list of things to fix.



Tailzer's picture

Re: emoncms.org server, known issues?

I'm also getting the problem with the time stamp on axis since the upgrade, gets worse when pushing one of the change buttons.

not a big problem but thought I'd confirm it on another feed also using emoncms.org



tomtobback's picture

Re: emoncms.org server, known issues?

Tristan, thanks a lot for your feedback.

1) seems solved now, thanks.

2) I notice I had another posting problem last night 22:00 to 7:00 (that's 17 April 15:00 to midnight for you), adding a virtual 10kWh to my kWh and kWh/d feed. Maybe this time it was just on my side. I agree with your proposed fix that in the absence of data values it is better to report zero than to continue with the last value. 

Based on this 10kWh I have to conclude that my kWh/d are not calculated midnight to midnight, but rather 8:00 to 8:00 as in issue (4) - timezone.

3) ticking the floating time checkbox seems to have solved it now, thanks.




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