EmonCMS Input processing and Feed

I have solar panels and would like to know if its possible to calculate the electric I am using for each day.

I have a graph that shows my consumption but also takes into consideration the solar generation so if I am not using the generated electric then this shows as a negative figure.

Is there any way that I can calculate this to = 0 instead of a negative figure? If this is opossible then I would be able to work out the actual electric purchased from the supplier.

please see my graphs http://emoncms.org/johny5uk

many thanks

Jérôme's picture

Re: EmonCMS Input processing and Feed

Do you have an input for the production and one for the consumption ?

Then it is just about logging input "PV production" into a dedicated feed. There might be some summing/scaling to do. You can find inspiration in the already existing feeds.

Robert Wall's picture

Re: EmonCMS Input processing and Feed

If I understand correctly, you want to display the imported energy you are charged for?

Unless I'm mistaken, there is no "if" conditional available in the emoncms processing, therefore you need to do it somewhere else. The obvious place is in your base, and I presume you still need the nett power for other purposes so you'll need to create a new quantity "importPower" (say) and process the (say) nettPower to copy the value if import, otherwise set it to zero.

e.g. importPower = (nettPower > 0.0) ? nettPower : 0.0;

That assumes positive = import. Then you send importPower over the web like all the rest and process it in emoncms however you wish.


TrystanLea's picture

Re: EmonCMS Input processing and Feed

Hello John, this has been a requested feature for a while so I've just taken the oppertunity to add it in. 

In the process list dropdown menu you will now see an item called allow positive there's also allow negative click on the allow positive and then put a value greater than 0 so 1 in the argument box (need to fix it in the longer term so that no argument is needed). 

Then log the result to feed or power to kwhd.

Robert Wall's picture

Re: EmonCMS Input processing and Feed

Foiled! It wasn't there when I started typing. ;-(

johny5_uk's picture

Re: EmonCMS Input processing and Feed

now that IS service, thank you Trystan! :D

many thanks for all your help everyone.


I have updated my dashboard and its working a treat now. Just need to add some costs.

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