1-wire energy counter log to emoncms?


I have a 1-wire counter connected to the s0 output of my household energy meter. The s0 output gives 1000impulses/kwh and the pulses is counted in the 1-wire counter. 

What is the best way to input this to emoncms? I am going to run owfs on linux. Run a cron job a given interval storing the pulse count to emoncms. Can I in emoncms translate this to current power? 

I would like to get the current power consumption but then I need to know the time between pulses? 

Any suggestions? 



Haggan's picture

Re: 1-wire energy counter log to emoncms?

Just found pulse_diff in the github code. I guess that what Is what I want. 

Just add a feed and log the pulse directly and then use pulse_diff to get the difference. If counter reset the function will handle it. 



buffedelic's picture

Re: 1-wire energy counter log to emoncms?

Could you describe in detail, so that o newbee understand? :)

Robert Wall's picture

Re: 1-wire energy counter log to emoncms?

To do that would mean duplicating a lot of this website inside one post. Much as I would like to, that is quite impractical.

So I suggest you read up about pulse counting using the emonTX and emonCMS here, then you will understand the basic problem. Next, read up on a Linux website what a cron job and owfs is, which is how Haggan aims to implement part of the processing. He's using an interface presumably on a Raspberry Pi to receive pulses. He could equally have chosen an emonTx and Raspberry Pi base to get the data from his meter to emonCMS. 

When you have done that, you will be in a much better position to understand what his post really means.

buffedelic's picture

Re: 1-wire energy counter log to emoncms?

Cron, owfs, linux.. Roger, I'm well aware, nor do I have a problem wrapping the logic in my mind. To calculate pulses based on time and properties of a power meter is fairly easy. Of course depending on hardware and how accurate one like the result.

i'll read in how to talk sense with emoncms, thx!


Robert Wall's picture

Re: 1-wire energy counter log to emoncms?

Do I detect that your question was less than specific? The best way to learn emonCMS is to play with it. (The documentation tends to lag behind the development somewhat.)

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