Dropping out from emoncms.org


Have had some difficulties since 11.3. evening - something happened. The nanoderf connection to emoncmsorg server does not seem to stay up and running. After a reser values gest updated to emoncms.org for a while and then dropped out again. I am lost in here what to so next to keep the system up and running again. Previously it has worked well for few monta without major hickups, but now two days in a row continuous dropouts and fairly slow response times from emoncms.org to my browser. ???

Petrik's picture

Re: Dropping out from emoncms.org


Solved - I had a mac address issue. After changing back to old router I had two devices with same mac address.

For nanoderf I suggest using a mac address that is taken from a device that has been thrown physically in to the bin to avoid mac address problems.


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