Upload to EmonTx

I'm ordering a USB-FTDI cable (do I need to get a 3.3V or 5V FTDI cable?), but in the mean time, I'm trying to use my Seeeduino Mega (Arduino Mega clone) FTDI chip on board to program the EmonTx (as per this instructable: http://www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Examples-2-Use-an-Arduino-as-a-FTDI-Progr/), but I can't seem to get it working!

I've connected up my seeduino as shown below:

What bootloader does the Atmega for the EmonTx have on it? I'm just not sure what board I should be choosing in Arduino (though I've tried a few).





glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Upload to EmonTx


The emonTx V1.4 has the Arduino Duemilanove bootloader. So select this board in the IDE. 

I'v not tried to use another Arduino to program an FTDI. Let me know how you get on.

All the best, Glyn. 

reubenb87's picture

Re: Upload to EmonTx

Unfortunately with the Arduino software, I can't get it to work if the chips are different in the host arduino board, and the EmonTx. When trying to upload a sketch it just complains that the signature of the chip is different, you can use -f to override but not bothered to use avrdude in cmd line.

BTW I need a 5V FTDI cable for Nanode, is it same for EmonTx? *EDIT* just saw on main page for EmonTx http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/emontx it is indeed 5V cable.

Also in the picture I included for anyone playing at home, you should make a bridge between gnd and cts.

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