How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

Water Monitoring
I'm trying to debug a problem with my water monitor. The question is ; how can i get a data dump from the db at to go an see what the trend is.....


I've included some info here in case someone has ideas I could try. As you can see the data resets frequently, though sometimes it clearly increments from one reading to the next before 'deciding' to drop again. 

I’m trying to get a daily weekly zoom working, but would expect the raw data to show continuously incrementally increasing values since the input is a pulse water meter.

I suspect the unit is resetting or I have a data overflow, or, as Andy pointed out in his write up, there may be an issue with the RF TX trigerring an interrupt....

If it were an overflow though, it should be much more consistent……and I'm using unsigned int's! Some code snippets are below..

emontx code:
Uses 2 unsigned long variables……
typedef struct {
          int W_supplyV; unsigned long W_litres;
} Payload2;
Payload2 WaterMeter;
  unsigned long pulseCount = 0;               //Number of pulses.
emonbase code:
Uses unsigned char…..
for (byte i=0; i<n; i+=2)
          unsigned int num = (abs((unsigned char)rf12_data[i+1] << 8 | (unsigned char)rf12_data[i]));
          if (i) str.print(",");

arvidb's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

Why are you casting rf12_data[n] to (unsigned char) before shifting? If you shift an 8-bit value eight bits, there's nothing left...

What's the type of *rf12_data? If it's smaller than int, its value should automatically be promoted to int when you apply the shift operator to it. I.e. don't cast it.

Why the abs()? Are there really negative values in the rf12_data array?

It's generally a bad idea to mix different types in C, because the rules for promotion and implicit type casts are pretty complicated. Use (long) on the arduino if you need the 32 bits; use (int) otherwise (e.g. for the loop variable i).

Don't use type casting unless it's absolutely necessary, and use -Wall when compiling. This way the compiler will help you find many issues.

Robert Wall's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

For what it's worth, rf12_data is actually a pointer in the library to the start of the 66-byte data block. So unless you are sending and retrieving bytes, it needs either a cast or a union.

arvidb, "If you shift an 8-bit value eight bits, there's nothing left..." is a red herring. The intention is to shift an 8-bit byte from the arrray into the high order byte of the 16-bit integer, and that's OK. This line has been lifted out of the multi-node base sketch. The cast is OK because all you are trying to do is recover exactly what you put in at the other end, and you don't want to treat the most significant bit as a sign bit.

But I think that can only handle signed integer inputs. So if you feed it an unsigned,  you'll have to figure out how to handle it in the inputs and feeds pages.

As I see it, we don't know exactly what or where the problem is. My best suggestion is to hang a serial monitor on your base, and put a few lines in to output the values so that you can actually see what you are trying to send to emoncms. Then take it from there. What actually is your data, is it a consumption rate, or is it an accumulator (i.e. the meter reading)?

EnergyRnR's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

folks-thanks for the input. 

I think I do need to get in close and see exactly what I'm sending . and get rid of the abs() which I'd forgotten about..

arvidb's comment to avoid mixing types is very good advice  ; I'll try to simplify things

My payload from the emontx is an int(emontx voltage) and unsigned long accumator(pulse count). I'm converting the pulse count from the ElsterV100 to litres at the emontx and sending that over to the base. (code attached) but would really like to get a csv dump from the db and look through the inputs for both these variables; anyone know how I do that from


EnergyRnR's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

try to attach again .....

ukmoose's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

You can get a dump of all the values of a feed by using 

/emoncms/feed/data?id=1   where 1 is the number of the feed.  This will deliver it to the screen in a json-like format but its easy enough to cut and paste into the spreadsheet of your choice where you can reformat it until your hearts content. 


On the feeds screen if you click on "Feed API Help" you'll see the options

arvidb's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

A bit OT now, but: Robert is right about the "red herring", since the cast has higher precedence than the shift. The original code is:

  int num = ((unsigned char)rf12_data[i+1] << 8 | (unsigned char)rf12_data[i]);

and the steps done become:

  1. Cast uint8_t (the type of *rf12_data) to unsigned char (should have no effect?)
  2. Promote* type of value to int
  3. Shift left 8 bits (will give incorrect result if MSb is set)

* See e.g.

May I suggest this code instead:

for (int i=0; i<n; i+=2)
  unsigned int num = rf12_data[i+1];
  num <<= 8;
  num |= rf12_data[i];


(Verified to compile only; not tested further.)

Edit: Show code correctly.

EnergyRnR's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

can't seem to get certain feeds data.

Am I right in thinking the following should get me everything for feed 2499 from

01 Aug 2012 00:00:00 GMT to 01 Oct 2012 00:00:00 GMT?

I only get a [] returned, and can see the data clearly in the charts.

strange... other feeds work ok - just seems to be an issue with the unixtime spec.

thanks a lot,


ukmoose's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

they look right to me.  You don't need to add the start/end should dump all the data for the feed.

You can then look at the timestamps and see whats happening 

Robert Wall's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

"Is there a way to post code on this forum? "

Two ways:
either attach a file (best if it is more than a short snip - i.e longer than this!) - Note my post about making it visible at

or paste the code in, switch to plain text editor and surround it with <pre> </pre> tags

llevvellyn's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue


I have a Raspberry Pi with an image I created over Christmas (so must be whatever was latest around then).

It's been running pretty happily since then and I'd now like to get some data off and put it in Excel or equivelant in order to play around with it a bit.

I've tried the suggestion from ukmoose "/emoncms/feed/data?id=1   where 1 is the number of the feed" where I put that in the browser preceeded by the RPi IP address but I get a message on emoncms "Message: Permission Denied".

Anyone got any idea how I get permission?

I was also thinking of putting phpMyAdmin onto the RPi but it seems like it might be complicated to link it to the already existing databases so I've chickened out for now.

Thanks for any help.

Robert Wall's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

Yes, append your API key "/emoncms/feed/data?id=1&apikey=[YOUR API KEY] " to the request. (Probably the read-only one for safety).

dBC's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

EnergyRnR did you ever get to the bottom of your original issue?

I just happened across this thread and looked at your sending code.  One possible issue is that in this line:


the read of pulseCount is not atomic on a processor like the AVR.  

pulseCount is an unsigned long so you're at risk of the ISR firing while the above code is reading pulseCount.  This can lead to inconsistencies if the ISR's


results in a carry from one byte up to the next byte while your process level code is fetching those bytes.

In addition to that problem, you should also tell the compiler that pulseCount is volatile.

EnergyRnR's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

Thanks a lot for that. I had 2 problems, (....apart from some serious personality defects, but this isn't the time or place :-) )

 - was using litres in my payload and hitting int overflow. I'm now using m3 and will never get near the limit, unless there is some serious tea drinking going on!   casting it as an int like this - WaterMeter.m3=int((pulseCount)*0.00025);

- was not declaring the pulseCount variable as volatile, so this is now sorted. Has anyone tried usint the <utils/atomic.h> lib. Seems to be similar to using the nointerrupts(), interrupts() wrappers but I haven't had time to try it out. Apart from the volatile declarations, would it also be good coding practice to always use those wrappers? I haven't...

dBC's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

Has anyone tried usint the <utils/atomic.h> lib. Seems to be similar to using the nointerrupts(), interrupts() wrappers

Either will work... they both basically do the same thing.  

Apart from the volatile declarations, would it also be good coding practice to always use those wrappers?

Yes,  you need to do both as they each solve a different problem.

volatile tells the compiler not to use a local register copy of a variable, but rather read it from (or write it to) memory each time you access it in your code.

The atomic stuff (doesn't matter whether you use atomic.h, or nointerrupts()/interrupts(), or cli()/sei()) ensures that when you're reading a variable larger than 1 byte, you get the entire variable snapshotted in one consistent state.

EnergyRnR's picture

Re: How do I export data from latest emoncms to debug water monitor issue

thanks for that.

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