RFM12Pi - Forward data to remote emoncms

Having had a corrupted sd card on my RaspberryPi I rebuilt my OS and emoncms install today.

This has brought up some new challenges ;-)

On the RaspberryPi screen there is now the "Forward data to remote emoncms" option.  So I naively filled in my emoncms.org data and emoncms.org domain name.  It comes up and says 

"Authentication successful" 

But no data appears on emoncms.org.  

I assume this is because I don't have the sync module installed?  If this is the case, I think the RaspberryPi config screen is confusing. 


I'm also seeing periodic data spikes (every 1 min or 2 min for 1 data point), which I will continue to investigate.



johny5_uk's picture

Re: RFM12Pi - Forward data to remote emoncms

this forum is great isnt it?

lots of help around here....

Robert Wall's picture

Re: RFM12Pi - Forward data to remote emoncms

Constructive comments are welcome, sarcasm will get you nowhere.

johny5_uk's picture

Re: RFM12Pi - Forward data to remote emoncms

I have posted a number of times here asking for help and advice to no avail. I end up answering my own questions.

I welcome constructive comments on how to receive help and advice.

I doubt my post was sarcastic, more apt considering this poor chap hadnt had a response to his post from 5 months ago?



Robert Wall's picture

Re: RFM12Pi - Forward data to remote emoncms

If you search the forums, you'll find several threads referring to that same or a similar problem. I am pretty sure it was answered elsewhere.

So you are making wholly invalid assumptions. Little do you know, ukmoose and I worked together on writing a page for Building Blocks a lot less than 5 months ago.

The reason why your post went unanswered might be due to a number of reasons: nobody knew a definitive answer, or it simply wasn't noticed. Nobody here gets paid to answer the forums, we all do it out of kindness and goodwill. I try to keep a watch and answer those I can deal with, and if I notice one that I don't know an answer to going un-answered, I do try to steer the poster in the right direction.


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