Smart way for migration from Cacti/RRDTool to emoncms?

Hi All,

yesterday I made it to install emoncms on my Raspberry Pi - exciting... :-)  Now I want to set up my inputs.

Over the last two years I already had setup some logging in our household - mainly temperature and one kwh. I collect them into three different RRDTool based Round Robin Databases. The data sources are the control units of our Home Ventilation, the Warm Water Solar System and the Main Heating. Visualization is done by Cacti.
To harvest data out the controls, I use some shell scripts and a RS-485 to LAN Gateway.

First Question: Does anybody migrated Data (Temp) from a RRDTool DB to emoncms?

Second Question: How do you integrate "non-emon-TX" Style Sources into emoncms - like my controls are?

Any sensfull input is helpfull - and this is my first post...

Best Regards,
