Bargraph data wrong


I have a test emoncms setup separate from my main one.
I use it currently to log an electric boiler. However i'm having trouble pulling a correct bar graph.

I have a feed logging to an accumulating kwh feed AND a kwd-d feed.

On today's kwh-d feed i can see in the feeds menu that i have 0.86kWh, which seems correct. However i can not seem to get that number from a graph.
I hve attached screenshots from both methods of creatging bargraphs from the accumulator and daily feeds.
You can also see the kwh-d graph starts on thursday, but the data only started on friday.
The accumulated graph starts at the correct day, but that's about all i can say is right...

My timezone's are correct in emoncms and linux. I don't have redis enabled on this instance, but that has no influence on this right?

Also, on my main server when i pull a graph from the accumulated feed, the current day is always missing.
When i use the daily feeds, i can see the current day. 
How is this?

I'm running 9.4 on both systems. 
I searched around a bit, but did not find more info or a solution apart from checking timezones and such.

Thx guys, and happy easter :)

TrystanLea's picture

Re: Bargraph data wrong

Hello Beire, are you starting with a power feed from an emontx/emonpi? The input processor you want for accumulating kWh using a power feed as the input is the power_to_kwh input processor.

Beire's picture

Re: Bargraph data wrong

It's not from an emonpi. But i AM starting from an input measuring power in Watt. Just like the emonpi.
This input is logging to a feed with the power to kWh processor AND a power to kwhd.

TrystanLea's picture

Re: Bargraph data wrong

Ok great, is the kwh.png what you would expect? 6.5 kWh over that period? I think you might just need a bit more data, the bargraph using cumulative kWh feeds requires at least 2 midnights in the period.

Beire's picture

Re: Bargraph data wrong

Yes the kWh.png is what i can expect and corresponds with the physical power meter.

I'll wait a bit longer then for more data to accumulate.

Can you tell me why the current day is always left out of the graphs? It's missing in the accumulated feed graph. The daily feed graph shows today but seems to be yesterday actually.
So it seems both don't show today and daily feedgraph is wrong by one day?

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