Interrupt based Pulse Counter

Example Arduino sketch for interrupt based pulse counting:

//Number of pulses, used to measure energy.
long pulseCount = 0;   

//Used to measure power.
unsigned long pulseTime,lastTime;

//power and energy
double power, elapsedkWh;

//Number of pulses per wh - found or set on the meter.
int ppwh = 1; //1000 pulses/kwh = 1 pulse per wh

void setup()

// KWH interrupt attached to IRQ 1 = pin3
attachInterrupt(1, onPulse, FALLING);

void loop()


// The interrupt routine
void onPulse()

//used to measure time between pulses.
lastTime = pulseTime;
pulseTime = micros();


//Calculate power
power = (3600000000.0 / (pulseTime - lastTime))/ppwh;

//Find kwh elapsed
elapsedkWh = (1.0*pulseCount/(ppwh*1000)); //multiply by 1000 to convert pulses per wh to kwh

//Print the values.
Serial.print(" ");


Range of 0 to 25kW (typical range for solid state pulse output meters):

1000 pulses per kWh

Pulse Gen (kW)

Pulse Counter (kW)

Error (W)

% Error

Std. Deviation

0.101 0.101 0.00 0.00% 0
2.56 2.5599 0.10 0.00% 0.00017
3.15 3.1496 0.40 0.00% 0.00049
6.89 6.888 2.00 0.00% 0.001
9.56 9.556 4.00 0.00% 0.0019
10.63 10.625 5.00 0.00% 0.0024
19.62 19.6 20.00 0.00% 0.008
22.56 22.535 25.00 0.00% 0.0111
24.98 24.95 30.00 0.00% 0.0126


If the Serial monitor displays values rapidly, and at excessive power levels, try connecting a 10k pull down resistor to the digital input.

Marky's picture

Re: Interrupt based Pulse Counter

I think the column headings above need adjusting, I was more than a bit confused when I read it the first time... :)