Emoncms 9 + Emonbase inputs inactive

I tried install the emoncms v9 on a RPi with rfm12B board but I had no sucess. All my inputs are n/a and my nodes inactives. I know my rfm12B is receiving packets because I opened it at minicom and saw the packets (and still it is blinking the green led). I think is something between emoncms and emonhub configuration (or maybe the MQTT). Previously with the v8 version everything was working fine. How steps as missing to configure the emoncms on emonbase instead of emonpi? My previous emonbase id was 15, I saw now the emonpi id is 5. I am a little bit confused.



glyn.hudson's picture

Re: Emoncms 9 + Emonbase inputs inactive

Yes you need the mqtt input script. See the mqtt section of the Raspberry Pi install docs. 

I would highly recommend you use your pre built image that has been optimised for running emoncms 9 with mqtt on raspi. Also includes nodeRed, openHAB and read only root partition for longterm logging stability and sd card lifespan 



vbenhur's picture

Re: Emoncms 9 + Emonbase inputs inactive

You say the v9 prebuild version? It hás many modifications to configure the v9 to an emonbase? Thanks

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