rfmpi pulse not processed as input

I have just installed an RFMPI board to my raspbery pi to create an EmonBase and have connected the OEM pulse counter and configured Node 15 as described in http://openenergymonitor.blogspot.com.au/2015/09/pulse-counting-with-rfm69pi-and.html

The node is showing data under the node tab but there is nothing in the Inputs tab.

I am able to see valid data from Node 15 in the EMONCMS log and it says that it is posting to EmonCMS however nothing appears in Input.

From the nodes tab I am able to configure the input and log to a feed but there is very limited processing options when done from the nodes tab.

I have tried a brand  new load of the 22dec sd card image and have updated the RFMPI with the RFM69CW_RF12_Demo_ATmega328_Pulse firmware.

I am thinking this must be a problem between EmonHUB and EmonCMS?





squiza's picture

Re: rfmpi pulse not processed as input

I have also connected a home made emonTH and am getting the same result.

I can see the data being updated under the Nodes tab but nothing in the Input tabs.

I have configured my EmonHub to forward to EmonCMS.org and can see the data there under the Input tabs.



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