EmonTH output


What's the output type of the temperature data? In other words, when the temperature data from the sensors is transmitted to the base station, what type of file is it?



Robert Wall's picture

Re: EmonTH output

It is not a file. It is a byte stream, and the format is specified in the sketch as the "payload". Your default sketch is likely to be https://github.com/openenergymonitor/emonTH/blob/master/emonTH_DHT22_DS1...

You can read more about how the data is transmitted in Resources > Building Blocks > RFM12B - Part 2 - Sending Data Between Modules (although written for the older radio module, it applies equally to the RFM69CW). The data codes for use in the emonHub are explained in the setup guide http://openenergymonitor.org/emon/modules/emonpi#update under "Nodes Config".

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